The CloudIPSP PHP SDK is an open source library through which your PHP application can easily interact with the API. That allows you to accept payment by Visa/MasterCard cards on your website. Simply generating payment url, token, form.
- You can install via Composer.
1.Composer Install
composer require flittpayments/php-sdk
- To install without composer, just download the latest release. Then include manual auto loader to your project.
2.Manual installation
require '/path-to-sdk/autoload.php';
Simple start
Minimal startup example:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$data = [
'currency' => 'GEL',
'amount' => 1111
Minimal configuration:
- Checkout Merchant ID from provider merchant portal.'setSecretKey'
- Merchant secret key, if operation is credit you need to set'setCreditKey'
Full configuration:
- Checkout Merchant ID from provider merchant portal.'setSecretKey'
- Merchant secret key.'setCreditKey'
- Merchant credit key.'setApiVersion'
- Set api protocol version. Allowed ['1.0', '2.0'].'setApiUrl'
- Set api endpoint.'setRequestType'
- Set request type. Allowed ['json', 'xml', 'form'].'setHttpClient'
- Set http client. Allowed HttpCurl, HttpGuzzle.
Payment url (host-to-host)
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$data = [
'order_desc' => 'tests SDK',
'currency' => 'GEL',
'amount' => 1000,
'response_url' => '',
'server_callback_url' => '',
'sender_email' => '',
'lang' => 'ru',
'product_id' => 'some_product_id',
'lifetime' => 36000,
'merchant_data' => array(
'custom_data1' => 'Some string',
'custom_data2' => '00000000000',
'custom_data3' => '3!@#$%^&(()_+?"}'
$url = \Flitt\Checkout::url($data);
$data = $url->getData();
getData() — returns checkout url data.
toCheckout() — redirect to checkout page.
Required request Parameters:
Parameters | Description |
order_id |
Order ID. Can be generated by SDK. |
merchant_id |
Merchant unique ID. |
order_desc |
Order description. Generated by merchant in UTF-8. Can be generated by SDK. |
signature |
Order signature. Required to verify merchant request consistency and authenticity. Can be generated by SDK. |
amount |
Order amount in cents without a separator. |
currency |
Order currency(GEL, EUR, USD and others). |
Host-to-host API supports the following text formats:
- form
- json
All other parameters look in provider documentation.
Payment form
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$data = [
'order_desc' => 'tests SDK',
'currency' => 'GEL',
'amount' => 1000,
'merchant_data' => [
'custom_data1' => 'Some string'
$form = \Flitt\Checkout::form($data);
returns payment form as string.
Required request Parameters:
Parameters | Description |
order_id |
Order ID. Can be generated by SDK. |
merchant_id |
Merchant unique ID. |
order_desc |
Order description. Generated by merchant in UTF-8. Can be generated by SDK. |
signature |
Order signature. Required to verify merchant request consistency and authenticity. Can be generated by SDK. |
amount |
Order amount in cents without separator. |
currency |
Order currency(GEL,EUR,USD and others). |
All other parameters look in provider documentation.
Payment token (host-to-host)
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$data = [
'order_desc' => 'tests SDK',
'currency' => 'GEL',
'amount' => 1000,
'response_url' => '',
'server_callback_url' => '',
'sender_email' => '',
'lang' => 'ru',
'product_id' => 'some_product_id',
'lifetime' => 36000,
'merchant_data' => array(
'custom_data1' => 'Some string',
'custom_data2' => '00000000000',
'custom_data3' => '3!@#$%^&(()_+?"}'
$token = \Flitt\Checkout::token($data);
$data = $url->getData();
getData() returns checkout token data.
Required request parameters:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$dataToGetStatus = [
'order_id' => '123'
$orderStatus = \Flitt\Order::status($dataToGetStatus);
getData() — returns order info.
isApproved() — method to check if payment is successful.
Required request Parameters:
Parameters | Description |
order_id |
Order ID which is generated by merchant. |
merchant_id |
Merchant unique ID. |
signature |
Order signature. Required to verify merchant request consistency and authenticity. Can be generated by SDK. |
Host-to-host API supports the following text formats:
- form
- xml
- json
Response is always returned in request context in the same content-type. So if request is sent in JSON, response will be sent in JSON format too.
Transaction List
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$dataToGetList = [
'order_id' => '1234'
$listData = \Flitt\Order::transactionList($dataToGetList);
getData() — returns transaction list by order.
isCapturedByList() — method to check if is captured transaction in the data
Required request Parameters:
Parameters | Description |
order_id |
Order ID which is generated by merchant. |
merchant_id |
Merchant unique ID. |
signature |
Order signature. Required to verify merchant request consistency and authenticity. Can be generated by SDK. |
Host-to-host API supports the following text formats:
- form
- xml
- json
Refund payment
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$dataToReverse = [
'currency' => 'GEL',
'amount' => 100,
'order_id' => '1234'
$refundOrder = \Flitt\Order::reverse($dataToReverse);
getData() — returns refunded order info.
isReversed() — method to check if refund is success.
Required request Parameters:
Parameters | Description |
order_id |
Order ID which is generated by merchant. |
merchant_id |
Merchant unique ID. |
signature |
Order signature. Required to verify merchant request consistency and authenticity. Can be generated by SDK. |
currency |
Order currency(GEL,EUR,USD and others). |
amount |
Order amount in cents without separator. |
Host-to-host API supports the following text formats:
- form
- xml
- json
Capture order
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$dataToCapture = [
'currency' => 'GEL',
'amount' => 1000,
'order_id' => '1234'
$captureOrder = \Flitt\Order::capture($dataToCapture);
getData() — returns captured order info.
isCaptured() — method to check if capture request is true
Required request Parameters:
Parameters | Description |
order_id |
Order ID which is generated by merchant. |
merchant_id |
Merchant unique ID. |
signature |
Order signature. Required to verify merchant request consistency and authenticity. Can be generated by SDK. |
currency |
Order currency(GEL,EUR,USD and others). |
amount |
Order amount in cents without separator. |
Host-to-host API supports the following text formats:
- form
- xml
- json
Get Atol logs
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$data = [
'order_id' => '1234'
$logs = \Flitt\Order::atolLogs($data);
getData() — returns atol logs array.
Required request Parameters:
Parameters | Description |
order_id |
Order ID which is generated by merchant. |
merchant_id |
Merchant unique ID. |
signature |
Order signature. Required to verify merchant request consistency and authenticity. Can be generated by SDK. |
Host-to-host API supports the following text formats:
- json
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$data = [
'currency' => 'GEL',
'amount' => 1000, // convert to 10.00$
'order_desc' => 'tests SDK',
$receiver = [
'requisites' => [
'amount' => 500,
'merchant_id' => 600001
'type' => 'merchant'
'requisites' => [
'amount' => 500,
'merchant_id' => 700001
'type' => 'merchant'
$data['receiver'] = $receiver;
getData() — returns response data.
Required request parameters:
Parameters | Description |
order_id |
Order ID. Can be generated by SDK. |
merchant_id |
Merchant unique ID. |
order_desc |
Order description. Generated by merchant in UTF-8. Can be generated by SDK. |
signature |
Order signature. Required to verify merchant request consistency and authenticity. Can be generated by SDK. |
amount |
Order amount in cents without separator. |
currency |
Order currency(GEL,EUR,USD and others). |
receiver |
Order cleavage instructions. |
Example by scheme 3, you can find in '/examples/Order/settlement_scheme_3.php'
Full documentation you can request
Host-to-host API supports the following text formats:
- json
P2P card credit
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$TestOrderData = [
'currency' => 'GEL',
'amount' => 1000,
'receiver_card_number' => '4444555511116666'
//Call method to generate order
$orderData = \Flitt\P2pcredit::start($TestOrderData);
getData() — returns payment data.
Required request Parameters:
Parameters | Description |
order_id |
Order ID which is generated by merchant. |
merchant_id |
Merchant unique ID. |
signature |
Order signature. Required to verify merchant request consistency and authenticity. Can be generated by SDK. |
currency |
Order currency(GEL, EUR, USD and others). |
amount |
Order amount in cents without separator. |
receiver_card_number |
Card number. |
receiver_rectoken |
Card token — token to credit card without transferring full card number. |
Host-to-host API supports the following text formats:
- form
- json
Payment reports
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$Data = [
"date_from" => date('d.m.Y H:i:s', time() - 3600),
"date_to" => date('d.m.Y H:i:s'),
$reports = \Flitt\Payment::reports($Data);
getData() — returns payment report data.
Required request Parameters:
Parameters | Description |
merchant_id |
Merchant unique ID. |
signature |
Order signature. Required to verify merchant request consistency and authenticity. Can be generated by SDK. |
date_from |
Start order datetime. |
date_to |
End order datetime. |
Host-to-host API supports the following text formats:
- json
Payment using card token
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$recurringData = [
'currency' => 'GEL',
'amount' => 1000,
'rectoken' => 'token'
$recurring_order = Flitt\Payment::recurring($recurringData);
getData() — returns payment info.
isApproved() — method to check if recurring is successful.
Required request Parameters:
Parameters | Description |
order_id |
Order ID. Can be generated by SDK. |
merchant_id |
Merchant unique ID. |
order_desc |
Order description. Generated by merchant in UTF-8. Can be generated by SDK. |
signature |
Order signature. Required to verify merchant request consistency and authenticity. Can be generated by SDK. |
amount |
Order amount in cents without separator. |
currency |
Order currency(GEL, EUR, USD and others). |
rectoken |
Card token — token to access card funds without cardholder interaction. |
Host-to-host API supports the following text formats:
- json
- form
Subscription url
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$data = [
'currency' => 'GEL',
'amount' => 1000, // convert to 10.00$
'recurring_data' => [
'start_time' => '2021-12-24',
'amount' => 1000,
'every' => 30,
'period' => 'day',
'state' => 'y',
'readonly' => 'y'
$url = \Flitt\Subscription::url($data);
$data = $url->getData();
getData() — returns checkout url.
toCheckout() — redirect to checkout page.
Required request Parameters:
Parameters | Description |
order_id |
Order ID. Can be generated by SDK. |
merchant_id |
Merchant unique ID. |
order_desc |
Order description. Generated by merchant in UTF-8. Can be generated by SDK. |
signature |
Order signature. Required to verify merchant request consistency and authenticity. Can be generated by SDK. |
amount |
Order amount in cents without separator. |
currency |
Order currency(GEL,EUR,USD and others). |
recurring_data |
Subscription info. |
start_time |
Start calendar payment format("Y-m-d"). |
amount |
Subscription amount. |
every |
Frequency of payments(number). |
period |
Frequency of payments('day','month','week'). |
state |
Checkout calendar state "y" - enabled. |
readonly |
Checkout calendar readonly. |
Host-to-host API v2.0 supports the following text formats:
- json
All other params look in provider documentation.
Subscription token
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$data = [
'order_desc' => 'tests SDK',
'currency' => 'GEL',
'amount' => 1000,
'merchant_data' => [
'custom_data1' => 'Some string'
'recurring_data' => [
'start_time' => '2021-12-24',
'amount' => 1000,
'every' => 30,
'period' => 'day',
'state' => 'y',
'readonly' => 'y'
$token = \Flitt\Subscription::token($data);
Returns checkout token.
Required request Parameters:
Subscription stop
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$cancel = Flitt\Subscription::stop($order_id);
Returns info about calendar status.
PCIDSS Accept purchase
Step One
Example 3ds card:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$TestOrderData = [
'order_id' => time(),
'card_number' => '4444555566661111', //testing card with 3ds
'cvv2' => '333',
'expiry_date' => '1232',
'currency' => 'GEL',
'amount' => 1000,
'client_ip' => ''
//Call method to generate order
$orderData = Flitt\Pcidss::start($TestOrderData);
$form = \Flitt\Pcidss::get3dsFrom($orderData->getData(), $response_url . 'response_url');
getData() — returns payment data.
is3ds() — check if is 3ds response.
get3dsFrom($responseData, 'response_url') — generating form for step two if 3ds response.
Required request Parameters:
Parameters | Description |
order_id |
Order ID which is generated by merchant. |
merchant_id |
Merchant unique ID. |
signature |
Order signature. Required to verify merchant request consistency and authenticity. Can be generated by SDK. |
currency |
Order currency(GEL, EUR, USD and others). |
amount |
Order amount in cents without separator. |
card_number |
Card number. |
cvv2 |
CVV card code. |
expiry_date |
Expaire date of card format 'MMYY'. |
client_ip |
Client IP. |
Host-to-host API supports the following text formats:
- form
- xml
- json
Step Two
Example 3ds card:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
if (!empty($_POST)) {
$dataTo3dsSubmit = $_POST;
$dataTo3dsSubmit['order_id'] = 'order_id_from_prev_step'; // adding order id from prev step
$orderData = \Flitt\Pcidss::submit($dataTo3dsSubmit);
Submitting result generated form from step one
getData() — returns payment data.
Host-to-host API supports the following text formats
- form
- xml
- json
Card verification
Payment card verification url
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$data = [
'verification_type' => 'code', //default - amount
'currency' => 'GEL',
'amount' => 100
$url = \Flitt\Verification::url($data);
$data = $url->getData();
The request must contain additional parameter verification and verification_type
getData() — returns verification url data.
toCheckout() — redirect to verification checkout page.
Required request Parameters:
Parameters | Description |
order_id |
Order ID. Can be generated by SDK. |
merchant_id |
Merchant unique ID. |
order_desc |
Order description. Generated by merchant in UTF-8. Can be generated by SDK. |
signature |
Order signature. Required to verify merchant request consistency and authenticity. Can be generated by SDK. |
verification |
If Y order will be automatically reversed by provider after successful approval. |
verification_type |
'code' or 'amount'. Default is amount. |
currency |
Order currency(GEL, EUR, USD and others). |
amount |
Order amount in cents without separator. |
Host-to-host API supports the following text formats:
- form
- json
All other params look in provider documentation.
Payment verification form
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$data = [
'verification_type' => 'code', //default - amount
'currency' => 'GEL',
'amount' => 100
$form = \Flitt\Verification::form($data);
returns payment form as string.
Required request Parameters:
Parameters | Description |
order_id |
Order ID. Can be generated by SDK. |
merchant_id |
Merchant unique ID. |
order_desc |
Order description. Generated by merchant in UTF-8. Can be generated by SDK. |
signature |
Order signature. Required to verify merchant request consistency and authenticity. Can be generated by SDK. |
amount |
Order amount in cents without separator. |
currency |
Order currency(GEL,EUR,USD and others). |
verification |
If Y order will be automatically reversed by Flitt after successful approval. |
verification_type |
'code' or 'amount'. Default is amount. |
All other params look in provider documentation.
Server callback url
Example handling result
* Setting up testing configuration
* All testing details you can find here
require_once 'configuration.php';
require_once SDK_ROOTPATH . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
* Getting payment result (server_callback_url)
* Signature validation example server_callback_url
* you can get params by yourself, or sdk can got it
try {
$result = new \Flitt\Result\Result();
* or you can build with data parsed by yourself
* $result = new \Flitt\Result\Result($_POST, $secretKey, $requestType, true);
if ($result->getData())
die('No data');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo "Fail: " . $e->getMessage();
getData() — returns callback data.
isValid() — returns if callback valid (checking signature).
isApprove() — returns payment successfully include (checking signature).
Result is always returned in request context in the same content-type. So if request is sent in JSON, response will be sent in JSON format too. Response for such request will be interim and will contain URL where customer must be redirected to payment page.
Sending request in interaction scheme A does not assume getting response in request context. Final response will be returned to merchant URL, specified in response_url and server_callback_url Parameters.
The basic exception list:
Parameters | Description |
Merchant ID is empty or invalid. |
Set the merchant id or check if it numeric. |
Secret Key is empty or invalid. |
Set the secret key or check if it string. |
Required param "param_name" is empty |
Some api required parameter is empty. Watch docs. |
Required param "param_name" is missing |
Some api required parameter is missing. Watch docs. |
Invalid signature signature....response_signature_string...... |
Check data, some parameters not accepted by provider api. |
Request is incorrect. Request ID: 3wq8EvammIxih |
Invalid data or method not allowed for merchant. |